English Research in Nigeria: Effects and Challenges

Martina Chioma Uche


Change is inevitable. It is the law of nature. There are a number of educational options available before the present generation learners. In English language, new trends have emerged. Based on this, there has been awareness on the need to allow inclusion of such trends in the learning of English in our schools. Therefore, this article is focused on new trends in English research in Nigeria: Effects and Challenges. The article adopted a conceptual study method and was guided by three objectives, which sought to know the new trends in English research, the effects and challenges of these new trends to the learners. The paper made use of Dell Hymes (1966) communicative competence theory and Communication Accommodation Theory which was developed by Howard Giles in (1971). The article established that there are new trends in English research in Nigeria; consequently, the new trends in English research had its effects and challenges. It was recommended that, among other things learners should be allowed to participate in workshops, seminars where these new trends are taught. In the same vein, they should try to search online for important new trends that could help them in developing their English studies so that they can improve on their own and to adapt to the new trends.

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