Chioma Chiazom Anagor


There are value systems in Igbo ethnic groups which guide the actions and belief systems of the people living within and outside the Igbo territory, but are of African descent. These belief systems have those which portray gender inequality as it pertains womanhood and as such makes the female gender look less a being from their male counterparts. Africa is a continent made up of 54 countries with Nigeria in the western part. Nigeria is made up of three major ethnic groups; Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba, with other minority groups but this study centers on the Igbo race. Igbo as an ethnic group have norms, values and their belief system differs from other ethnic groups though when it comes to gender inequality in Nigeria, women in every region seems to be battling for a voice. Some of these belief systems are seen in some Igbo adage and proverbs whereas some are portrayed in some literature books written by Igbo authors as such, this paper looks into such Igbo literature works in view of highlighting some of these belief systems which portrays gender inequality and this inequality brought about struggle by some women known as feminist to have equal right. Based on the findings, it is seen that there are still some beliefs/ norms that needs to be adjusted in order to give women the full sense of belonging and freedom to exercise their natural rights. The study thus recommends that there should be awareness on the rights of a woman and women should be given equal opportunities to showcase their worth in the society and stop being neglected and/or seen as weaker being in the things they can handle.

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