Dominic Obielosi


Three passages in the Fourth Gospel could be said to encapsulate the three fundamental aspects of evangelizing mission: motivational, instructional and empowerment. John 20,21 denotes the instructional sending out of the Apostles to carry on the mission of evangelization. It says that just as the Father sent Him, so He is sending his Apostles. John 20,22 deals with the empowering of the evangelizers with the Holy Spirit. This paper departs from the general rendering of ‘paredÅken’ (handed over) as implying the death of Christ. The author argues that in as much as the nuance of death cannot be dissociated from the term, it connotes a motivation of Jesus’ followers to carry on the work he started. The paper insists that studying the word in line with ‘tetelestai' (it is finished) one cannot but conclude that Jesus simply says that he has completed his own task. His followers must take up from where he stopped and push on with the same zeal and spirit. The researcher adopts exegetical method to push his argument to its logical conclusion.

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