Economic Growth and Cultural Heritage: A Study of the Igbo Apprenticeship System as a tool for Youth Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation in the film, Afamefuna

Akaenyi Nkiruka Jacinta


This study examines the connection between economic growth and cultural heritage of the Igbo people through a detailed analysis of the Igbo apprenticeship system as seen in the film, Afamefuna. The Igbo apprenticeship system, known as "Igba-boi," is a traditional mechanism for youth empowerment and poverty alleviation among the Igbo people of Nigeria. This study examines how the system fosters entrepreneurial skills, financial independence, and social mobility, contributing to broader economic growth and development. By providing a structured path from apprenticeship to business ownership, Igba-boi not only promotes the cultural heritage of the Igbo people but also addresses modern economic challenges. The film Afamefuna serves as a case study to illustrate these dynamics, showcasing real-life examples of young individuals who have successfully transitioned from apprentices to business leaders. Through qualitative analysis of the film and characters, this study highlights the effectiveness of cultural practices in promoting sustainable economic growth and reducing poverty. The findings of this study underscore the importance of integrating traditional systems with contemporary economic strategies to enhance youth empowerment and foster development. This study recommends the need for a concerted effort to extend the benefits of the IAS beyond the region by nationalizing its practices. Such a move could potentially enhance economic growth and development across the entire country.

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