趋å‘è¡¥è¯­çš„è¯­ä¹‰åˆ†æž (Semantic Analysis of Chinese directional complement)

Olabinjo Yewande M.


现代汉语趋å‘补语先秦时期就已ç»å¼€å§‹å—到学界的关注,一到汉代趋å‘补语已ç»ä¸°å¯Œåœ°å‘展起æ¥äº†ã€‚在二å世纪八å年代就已ç»æœ‰è¶‹å‘补语本体的研究。在形å¼ä¸Šï¼Œè¶‹å‘补语有动è¯å’ŒåŽé¢çš„趋å‘è¯ç»„æˆã€‚我们研究分æžæ±‰è¯­è¶‹å‘补语所呈现的语义å³è¶‹å‘义ã€ç»“果义ã€åŠ¨æ€ä¹‰ã€‚æ¯ä¸€ä¸ªè¯­ä¹‰ç±»åˆ«è™½ç„¶éƒ½æ˜¯ä»Žè¶‹å‘è¯çš„趋å‘义引申的,å¯æ˜¯éƒ½è¿˜æœ‰ä½œè‡ªå·±æœ¬èº«è¯­æ³•ç‰¹ç‚¹ã€ç»“æž„å½¢å¼ã€ä½¿ç”¨ç‰¹ç‚¹ã€å¥åž‹ç‰¹ç‚¹ç­‰ã€‚本文使用Pustejovsky1 (1991)的事件类型分æžè¶‹å‘补语的趋å‘义。谓è¯é€»è¾‘法ã€SUM Operation ã€Î¸è§’色分æžç»“果义。动æ€ä¹‰æ¯”结果义和趋å‘义å¤æ‚的多。虽然大多表示动æ€ä¹‰çš„趋å‘è¯å¤±åŽ»å…¶æœ¬æ„,但是有的时候,动è¯å’Œè¶‹å‘è¯å°†ç»„æˆä¸€ç§ç»„é…è¯
Modern Chinese directional complements have been receiving attention from the academic circles since the pre-Qin period. By the Han Dynasty, directional complements had already developed abundantly. There has been research on the ontology of directional complements since the 1980s. Formally, directional complements consist of verbs and subsequent directional words. We study and analyze the semantics presented by Chinese directional complements, which includes its directional, resultative, and dynamic interpretations. Although each semantic category is derived from its directional interpretation, each semantic interpretation has its own grammatical features, structural forms, usage features, and sentence pattern features. This work uses Putejovsky's (1991) event type analysis to analyze the directional interpretation of directional complements. Predicate Logic, SUM Operation and θ theta role to analysis its resultative interpretation. The dynamic meaning is much more complex than the resultative interpretation and directional interpretation. Although most directional words that express dynamic meanings lose their inherent meaning, sometimes verbs and directional words will form a compound word. In order to obtain a rich corpus of Chinese language, we use the modern "《The Gallant Maiden》" as the main corpus.

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