Exploring the Ethical and Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence

Chukwunonso Joseph Nosike; Oluchukwu Sandra Nosike Ojobor; Uju Cynthia Nosike


This study aims to analyze the ethical and societal implications of artificial intelligence (AI) across various dimensions and emphasize the importance of responsible AI development and deployment. The research employs critical analysis and examines case studies to assess ethical considerations in AI development, societal impacts in employment, healthcare, education, and social equality, and concerns regarding privacy, bias, transparency, and accountability. The study is grounded in the framework of responsible AI development and deployment, which seeks to minimize risks and optimize benefits for society. The research identifies significant ethical and societal implications of AI, highlighting the importance of addressing privacy, bias, transparency, and accountability concerns. It also stresses the need for responsible AI development and deployment in mitigating risks and maximizing benefits across various sectors. The study suggests that developers, policymakers, and stakeholders must collaborate to promote responsible AI practices, fostering an ethical and equitable society while harnessing the potential of AI for social good. This includes implementing robust regulatory frameworks, encouraging transparency in AI algorithms, and promoting diversity and inclusivity in AI development.

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