Exploring Theatre as a Repository of History Towards Veracity of Performance in Preserving the Past

Aikomo Olatunji Olayinka


Theatre stands as a dynamic medium through which historical narratives are brought to life, serving as a repository of cultural memory and heritage. This paper explores theatre as a repository of history towards veracity of performance in preserving the past. However, theatre is a form of knowledge, it a means of transforming society. Theatre helps in building future, rather than just waiting for it". The relevance of theatre as a repository of history towards veracity of performance in preserving the past lies in its unique ability to bring historical narratives to life, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the complexities of the past. Theatre serves as a dynamic medium through which historical events, figures, and themes are embodied, interpreted, and interrogated, engaging audiences on both intellectual and emotional levels. However, theatre's role as a repository of history towards veracity of performance in preserving the past is of paramount importance in our increasingly complex and interconnected world. By engaging with historical narratives through the medium of performance, theatre enables audiences to explore, interrogate, and reimaging the past in ways that are both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. As such, theatre continues to play a vital role in shaping our understanding of history and its enduring relevance to the present. Therefore, government should foster collaboration between theatre practitioners, historians, scholars, and community members to ensure a comprehensive and nuanced approach to historical representation. By drawing upon diverse perspectives and expertise, theatre productions can achieve greater authenticity, accuracy, and cultural relevance.

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