Chinwe Patricia ILOKA


Child marriage is defined as marriage of a child less than18years of age and it has devastating effects on young people especially the girl child. Child marriage is also indicative of the levels of development of a region or country and is generally conducted between very young girls and older men. In many parts of the world child marriage is a gratification for overcoming the family financial and social needs. There are numerous problems a couple can face when marriage is entered into on their behalf. Sequel to these, this article sought to analyze child marriage in Nigeria and the legal imports. The specific objectives were to appraise the legal effects of Child marriage as a human rights violation that prevents girls from obtaining an education, enjoying optimal health, bonding with others in their own age, maturing, and ultimately choosing their own life partners. The objective also was to examine the challenges faced by the girl child and to as well appraise enactments both national and international made to curb the menace of early marriage in the Nigerian society and finally made some recommendations. The research design and methodology was doctrinal approach, using analytical and descriptive research methodology. The main sources of data collection were various legal documents and materials, both from the library and internet, and covering the primary sources and the secondary sources. For the summary of findings, it was submitted among others that the term child marriage is common all over the globe and has inflicted dangerous and devastating effects on young children who are compelled to tie the knot in most cases. Child marriage is driven by poverty and has many effects on girls' health: increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases, cervical cancer, malaria, death during childbirth, and obstetric fistulas. It was further observed that child marriage has far-reaching health, social, economic, and political implications for the girl and her community. It truncates a girl's childhood, creates grave physical and psychological health risks, and robs her of internationally recognized human rights. The article recommended, among others, that the National Assembly should amend the Constitution of Nigeria to clearly define a child and be specific on the age of a child and that of a young person. Additionally, the legislatures at the national and state levels, in fixing marriage age, should be cognizant of children who are sexually active and promiscuous from puberty, and be flexible in wordings and construct of the law. Based on the report of this study, its significance cannot be overemphasized.

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