Presupposition and Deixis-In the Conversations of Nigerians

Oluchukwu Favour Chukwu & Chinwe R. Ezeifeka


Language is a powerful tool of expression. In its use, a writer or a speaker tries to alternate, vary or avoid repetition by making use of some items in place of another. In some expressions, a speaker that shares same knowledge of something with the hearer or listener hence, the speaker’s expression may exclude what is assumed the listener already knows. It is on this basis that the study examined Presupposition and Deixis –In the conversations in Anambra State. In the course of this research, the researcher drafted two research questions that guided the study- the researcher went to the area of study, Diocese on the Niger Secretariat at Onitsha North L.G.A.,
P.G. Common room, Unizik, interviewed and observed the selected sample. The selected samples were selected using simple random sampling and qualitative research design was employed in the study. The study examined presupposition reflected in speeches and dietic expressions. Justice was also done to the types of the two concepts.

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