Tracing a Conceptual Sketch of African Music

Jude Toochukwu Orakwe


This essay explores the multifaceted landscape of African music, tracing its evolution and diverse forms. The author, using mainly the tools of library research and literature reviews, grapples with the challenge of defining African music, highlighting the terminological and linguistic complexities. The study encompasses traditional, popular, and art forms, offering a comprehensive understanding of a rich musical heritage. The characteristics of African music, including timbre, texture, rhythm, and call-response patterns, are scrutinized, shedding light on the nuanced aspects of its performance. The essay also delves into the classification of African musical instruments, utilizing the Sachs-Hornbostel taxonomy. In conclusion, the importance of approaching African music holistically is given a particular emphasis while a strong advocacy is made for a deeper appreciation of its cultural significance in the global context.

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