A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of Sefi Atta's Swallow

Lisa Erhuvwu Tarhe


This study aims to conduct a comprehensive lexico-semantic analysis of Sefi Atta's novel, Swallow. Swallow is a novel that explores the theme of identity, migration and the challenges faced by women in a changing society. Utilizing the combination of corpus linguistic and semantic analysis, this study examines the lexicon and semantic structure employed in Swallow to shed light on the author's linguistic choices and underlying meanings. The key lexico-semantic elements for this study are synonyms, collocation, substitution, reference and linguistic variations. By analyzing the lexical choices, it examines how language is used to construct and convey complex characters, relationships and socio-cultural dynamics within the text. It also investigates the semantic nuances embedded within the text, highlighting their contributions to the overall meaning and themes of the novel. The methodology involves a close reading of the novel combined with a systematic analysis of relevant linguistic features. A quantitative approach will be applied to identify the recurrent lexical patterns and semantic fields used in the text. This study aims to highlight the significance of the lexico-semantic study as a linguistic approach used for demonstrating how linguistic choices can enrich the narrative, deepen messages and offer insight into the socio-cultural fabric of a particular setting.

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