Utilizing Internal Resources for Accelerated Economic Transformation of Nigeria: Through a Culture of Good Entrepreneurship

Amuche Austine A.; Hafsat Odunola Aroyehun; Oguchi Uzoamaka Tessy


The priority of any nation is the ability to utilized internal resources that is endowered in the landthrough a good culture of entrepreneurship which usually yield to sustainable development. Aculture of good entrepreneurship, more especially internal resources transforms poor economy ofa nation and makes a way forward. The paper argues that through effective participation andperformance of entrepreneurship, for true meaningful economic transformation of the Nigeria economy. Nigeria, like all other developing countries is as a result of these problems experiencing syndromes of poverty, which the developed industrialized countries never experienced. This paper focus attention on meaning of entrepreneurship culture, the role of entrepreneurship in sustaining development, constrains to the development of entrepreneurship,how to ensure a culture of good entrepreneurship in Nigeria etc to ensure that futuristic plans were actualized. Finally, recommendations and conclusion are made.

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