Cerebrovascular Accident Following Gunshot Wounds to the Chest and Upper Arm: A Case Report from Northwestern Nigeria

Ibrahim Y. A., Abdullahi S. B., Hassan A. H., Augie A. I., Abdullahi U. A.


Background: Stroke is a recognized medical emergency, and its connection to gunshot wounds is a rare but significant complication. Projectile embolization leading to ischemic stroke has been documented, but the current case offers new insights. This report aims to contribute to the existing literature by describing a unique occurrence of cerebrovascular accident following gunshot wounds to the chest and upper arm.

Methods/Results: A 60-year-old Hausa Muslim farmer from Northwestern Nigeria, who suffered multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and upper arm, was referred for expert care. Diagnostic interventions, including computed tomography of the brain and a comprehensive medical history and physical examination, were conducted. The patient was managed using a multidisciplinary approach involving neurologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, hematologists, nurses, and physiotherapists.

Conclusion: This case report illustrates the complexity of managing a cerebrovascular accident following gunshot wounds. The clinical details, diagnostic findings, and management approach have been provided, although further research and case studies are required to deepen our understanding of such rare cases.

Keywords: Cerebrovascular Accident; Gunshot Wounds; Projectile Embolization; Ischemic Stroke; Multidisciplinary Approach.

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