Marital prospects ofMuslims in the health industry: changing misbeliefs about Muslimah healthcare providers

Dalhat B. S., Muhammad D. H., Abiola T., 4Umar-Sulayman H.


Background: The marriage market seems to have trend reversely for Muslimah health care professionals. Such has been related to later age of academic graduation, conferred careership status, and the “new” financial advantage. These typically contribute for the Muslimah to be on the extreme end of the marriage deterrent gap.

Methods/Result: This study aims at providing a review of Islamic virtues typical of Muslimahs and why insightful Muslim men, especially those working in the health industries, need to be consciously available to reverse this negative trend. Identified as central to the reversal is the universal golden rule model of premarital education, that emphasized the centrality of Deen as enshrined in the Quran and Hadith.

Conclusion: The reviewers concluded that the deterrent to marital prospects of Muslimah working in the health sector can be reverse utilizing the universal premarital golden rule model.

Key words: Muslimah, Healthcare professionals, Marital prospects, Health industry

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