Drug abuse and rising incidence of youth violence in Nigeria: a review

Suleiman H.


Background: Particularly of great concern to all is the rising incidence of drug abuse among the adolescents and youth. Coupled with this growth is larger menace of drug abuse that destroys the individual, significant others, society and the global community. Hence the condemnation of the use and abuse of psychoactive substances by all and sundry. This article hereby brought to the fore violence as a special kind of associated menace. Thus the current review of the rising incidence of violence as a function of increasing use of psychoactive substances.

Method/Result: This paper x-rayed for the fact that drug abuse might be related to the rising incidence of youth violence in Nigeria. It identified perpetrators of violence as mostly anointed god-sons of politicians, particularly during the political rallies and campaigns. It also identified the role drugs of abuse played in the dare-devil activities of these perpetrators of violence.

Conclusion: This review concluded that the use of drugs of abuse did not only intoxicate and lead to abnormal behavior among the users but has also been related to the rising incidence of violence in the society. Hence, politicians who exploit this mechanism are called upon to desist from such acts. Lastly, all must make effort to roll back the increasing use of drug abuse which will reduce the rising incidence of violence and other menace of addiction in the society.

Key Words: Drug abuse; Rising incidence; Menace of drug abuse; Youth Violence

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