Role of primary and adjuvant radiotherapy in the management of laryngeal paraganglioma: report of two cases and review of literature

Muhammad SI., Odutoye TA.


Introduction: We present the second reported case of a paraganglioma of the larynx treated with radiotherapy.

Methodology: We present two cases and a literature review of paraganglioma of the larynx.

Case number one: A 68-year-old woman, with hoarseness, dyspnoea and supraglottic mass. Biopsy showed laryngeal paraganglioma, excised by transhyoid approach with laryngofissure. Histopathology confirmed tumour completely excised with close margins (less than 5mm). 45 Gy of adjuvant radiotherapy was added. She is doing well on ninth year clinic follow up.

Cases number two: A 77-year-old woman with change in voice, progressive dyspnoea and supraglottic mass. Biopsy revealed a Laryngeal Paraganglioma. CT scan and carotid angiogram are in keeping with the histological diagnosis. She was offered primary radiotherapy giving her age and additional co-morbidities. Now on her seventhyear clinic follow up. Larynx stable and no concerns clinically.

Conclusion: There is very limited data on the role of radiotherapy. This is the second reported case of primary radiotherapy in the English literature. It is pertinent to appreciate the role and future of radiotherapy in the treatment of paraganglioma of the larynx.

Keywords: Paraganglioma; Larynx; Radiotherapy

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