Chinwe Patricia ILOKA


Students’ participation in teaching and learning improves standard of education and makes students to perform better academically. For a teacher to impact knowledge to the students, there are many factors involved before effective teaching and learning can take place. It is a major contemporary issue regarding the incidences of poor performance of students in academics. It is a well known fact that when the students have not learnt the teacher has not taught. However, teachers need to inculcate reading habit on themselves and the students, the need for teachers to possess good qualities, the knowledge of the different teaching methods used to impact knowledge to the students, mastering of the different learning domains which will help the teachers to have a holistic thought about education and also aid the teachers in preparing his lesson plan can never be over emphasized. These backdrops propel the researchers to tailor the aim of this study to expose the incidences of non involvement of students in teaching and learning processes which results in poor performance in education. The research methodology was doctrinal approach, using expository and analytical research design. The main sources of data collection were various legal literatures, both from the physical library and the e library. It was observed that there are poor performances of students in academics due to non
involvement of students in the teaching and learning processes. Therefore, it was recommended, among others, that feminist jurisprudence, human right scholars and the government should encourage teachers to become addicted readers, engage in self development programme, involve students more in teaching and learning processes, use various teaching methods and be conversant with the learning domains. Finally, this article was made to be significant to all stakeholders in human rights, scholars and society at large.

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