Chidi EZEAMA, Nneka Obiamaka UMEJIAKU


The importance and deployment of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in Socio-Economic reforms, in nation building, need not be overemphasized. The effective working of any advanced nation depends on some ICT-based platforms, hence the need for an adequate legal framework governing affairs on these spheres. In Nigeria, for instance, the government has been benefitting immensely from effectively deploying ICT to run its day to day affairs. From the introduction of BVN (Bank Verification Number), the TSA (Single Treasury Account) to the introduction of the NIN (National Identity Number), either for data capturing or revenue mobilization, has been made more effective. Having said that, the negative effects of ICT, in a growing economy like Nigeria, has become worrisome. There is need for the government of the day to live up to its responsibilities by not just churning out laws, but implementable laws devoid of breach on civil liberties. Free speech commands the same rights, both online and offline, but adequate screening and editorial measures, which such rights, hitherto, enjoyed, has been jettisoned leading to a deluge of unguarded, inciting, and inflammatory statements on different online platforms. This work aims at reviewing some legal frameworks, both within and outside Nigeria, and determining the effectiveness of these laws in policing the on-goings in the cyber-space. An analysis will also be conducted by this work, in order for the government of the day to understudy how foreign laws bothering on specific online activities were implemented and using decided cases as a case study, formulating best ways of effectively implementing our local ICT laws while bearing citizen`s civil liberties in mind.

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