
Crude oil is one liquid mineral resource traded globally. Its demand has been growing steadily over the decades. Oil and gas are essential commodities requiring reliable and safe means of conveyance from the platforms to the consumers. It is crucial to explore the safety and efficiency of the various ways it is transported to great distances. One of the sustainable and reliable means of conveying large quantities of oil and gas from one point to another is through the construction of pipelines. Pipelines transportation as a mode is crucial for the distribution of petroleum products in Nigeria. The mode has contributed immensely to the movement of crude oil and refined products within and across the country and for export. The use of this mode is, however, under threat from natural ruptures, vandalization, and sub optimal usage of pipelines. The constraints of other modes in the haulage of refined products over long distances provide a great challenge and opportunity for the pipeline mode to explore. Oil pipelines are important assets, and their security is of utmost importance especially in a country like Nigeria where oil pipelines are the major means of transporting crude oil. Nigeria relies on this means of transportation, which has been the victim of various physical attacks over the years by vandals and militant groups in the oil and gas producing areas. These affected the transportation of crude oil, which is the most important resource sustaining the Nigerian economy, thus putting it in jeopardy. It is against the backdrop of the crucial needs for the use of pipelines to convey petroleum products that this paper appraised the legal and security challenges of oil and gas pipelines in Nigeria. It found that, the laws and institutions responsible for governance of pipelines in Nigeria have been ineffective hence reviewed. It has never been more imperative to critically weigh the benefits of each method as they relate to the security, economy, environment, and regard for human safety and respect.

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