The direct consequences of incorporation are that a registered company is hereby conferred with the Privilegeof Corporate Personality. The fundamental attribute of corporate personality is that the company is a legalentity distinct from the members. Hence, it is capable of enjoying rights and being subject to duties which arenot the same with as those enjoyed or borne by its members. In other words it has legal personality. It is a legalcreation, an artificial person as opposed to natural person. It is capable of suing or being sued in its corporatename. It is agreed that these apply to associations or NGOs incorporated under Companies and Allied MattersAct (CAMA), 2020. A company is also defined as a corporation, partnership, association, joint stock company,trust, fund, or organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not, and (in an official capacity) anyreceiver, trustee in bankruptcy or similar official or liquidating agent, for any of the foregoing. Associations quanon-governmental organizations (NGOs) refer to any scientific professional, business or public interestorganizations that are neither affiliated with nor under the direction of a government: an internationalorganization that is not the creation of an agreement among countries, but rather is composed of privateindividual, or organization. The rising profile of these organizations is not unconnected with the level ofawareness created by their participations in international governance which have made different countriesunless the United Nations to be aware of those happenings at international affairs. This consciousness madethem to demand for the rights and privileges of countries in the areas of human rights, environmental rights,humanitarian and global governance participations under the UN charters. Notwithstanding these benefits andstrength of international non-governmental organizations, Nigeria Law like Companies and Allied Matters Act2020 introduced stringent regulations for organizations registered as incorporated trustees which includesNGOs, civil society organizations, community and faith-based organizations. It follows therefore that asincorporated trustees are formed into a business company with legal status to hold properties in trust for theirbeneficiaries. The objectives of this paper is to evaluate the provisions of Companies and Allied Matters Act2020, Investment and Securities Act (ISA) 2007 on Merger of Incorporated Trustees to see whether suchregulations amounts to interference by the respective Commissions or whether it offers protections to theseassociations. Put in another way, this paper seeks to x-ray the effect of incorporated trustees which is dulyregistered by the commission in line with the procedure, stated by law which made the trustees a body corporatewith all incidental powers thereto may turn round to be regulating their associations; merged affairs reachedupon their agreements. We found that it may amount to double jeopardy or synergy suicide. We recommendedthat the Corporate Affairs Commission and Investment and security commission should trade with cautions andof course, allow associations and NGOs to operate within their Constitutions, Judicial Precedents and Law forgood corporate governance and societal development.
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