Patricia Chinwe ILOKA


Child adoption has been in existence from the antiquity. The practice has always been regulated. In the antiquity, it was culturally influenced and based on social norms. Tracing it to the contemporary world, local and international statutes govern the practice. However, the social and cultural influences are not completely relegated as they form the basis for any legislation. Sequel to this backdrop, this study focused on a critical analysis of the ‘Social Features and Cultural Issues in Child Adoption Practices in Nigeria with Child Rights Act in Perspective’. The specific objectives were to examine who a child is, assess the concept of child adoption and other related concepts, trace the historical development of child adoption, explore the types and forms of child adoption, examine the different practices in relation to child adoption, evaluate the social features and cultural issues in child adoption practices in Nigeria, examine the reasons for child adoption, examine the welfare of adopted children within families, analyze the societal feelings about child adoption, and finally make some recommendations. The research design and methodology was doctrinal approach, using analytical and descriptive research methodology. The main sources of data collection were various legal documents and materials, both from the library and internet, and covering the primary sources and the secondary sources. For the summary of findings, it was submitted that child adoption means taking up the paternity or maternity of a child who is not the biological child of a person who takes up such paternity or maternity. It was therefore observed among others that irrespective of legislation, there are still some cultural practices and social norms which are repugnant to the rules of natural justice, equity, and good conscience which affect child adoption. Sequel to these, some recommendations were made among others that the National Assembly should resuscitate and form steering committees that will work with Houses of Assembly of all the states towards the enactment and implementation of the Child Rights Law in their respective states, especially for the states which have not done so, in order to discourage the traditional, customary, and ethno-religious practices on child adoption for the law to have its place. It was concluded that, notwithstanding the shortcomings, there are still some commendable social norms and cultural practices in child adoption in Nigeria. Finally, this study is significant to all persons who have interest in child adoption in Nigeria.

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