Rate and predictors of hospital readmissions in Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital Okoloibiri, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Ebiteinye Lucky Dogiye; Ibrahim Taiwo Adeleke; E Edeki & M Allison


Background/Objective: This study determined factors, rates and predictors of hospital readmissions in NigerDelta University Teaching Hospital (NDUTH) Okolobiri, Bayelsa State. Methods/Design: A retrospective content review of health records of inpatients, who were readmitted within 30 days of discharge from 2010 to 2014. Achecklist (health records review form) was used in the review of health records of readmitted patients. Simple percentage and tables were used in data analysis and presentation. Result: The study reveals that 82.5% of thepatients were readmitted upon their primary diagnosis and that 78.8% received follow-up care post-discharge.Ninety percent of the patients readmitted and discharged had no ambulatory care services received. Conclusion:Most readmitted patients at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital are quite satisfied with their care asmost of them though readmitted on the same primary diagnosis, were discharged as improved and possibly, happypatients. Nevertheless, the fact that they were readmitted upon their primary diagnosis may indicate poor management and/or it may be that patients were always eager to go home. Proper care/ services should berendered to the patients during hospitalization and patients should be reoriented on the need to submit themselves for wholesome care.

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