The Stand of Information Society in Health Information Management

Mulikat O. Muhibi, Mutiu O. Murana, Musa Abidemi Muhibi, Felix A. Adeoye


Background/Objectives: The evolution of the information society has fundamentally transformed health informationmanagement (HIM), creating new paradigms for the collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of health data. Thisreview explores the current state and impact of the information society on HIM, emphasizing the integration of advancedtechnologies and the emergence of digital health ecosystems. Design/Methods: Scoping review of relevant literaure on thesubject was carried out, using articles found on search engines such as Google Scholar and PubMed. Results: In recent years,the proliferation of digital technologies has revolutionized how health information is managed. Electronic Medical Records(EMR), Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and telemedicine platforms have becomeintegral components of modern healthcare systems. These technologies facilitate seamless data sharing and improve theaccuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of health information. The information society has enabled the aggregation of vastamounts of health data, providing unprecedented opportunities for big data analytics, machine learning and artificialintelligence (AI) applications in healthcare. These advancements allow for predictive analytics, personalized medicine andenhanced clinical decision-making, ultimately improving patient outcomes and operational efficiencies in healthcare delivery.The integration of these technologies into HIM is however not without challenges. Data privacy and security concerns haveintensified as health information becomes more digitized and interconnected. Ensuring compliance with relevant regulationsis paramount.. Conclusion: The increasing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, blockchain technology, andgenomics data integration will further transform health information management practices. To leverage these advancementseffectively, a robust framework for data governance, interoperability standards and ethical considerations must be established.Ultimately, the successful integration of the information society into HIM holds the promise of more efficient, equitable, andpatient-centered healthcare.Keywords: Information society; Digital technologies; Data privacy; Artificial intelligence; Big data.

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