Pattern of cervical cancer seen at the National Hospital Abuja: A 6-year review
Background/Objectives: Cancer of the cervix remains a significant public health challenge worldwide,particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Despite advances in prevention and treatment, theburden of the disease disproportionately affects women in low-income regions, where screening andvaccination programs are limited. The widespread adoption of HPV vaccination and enhanced screeningprograms could significantly reduce the global burden of this disease, particularly in regions with limitedhealthcare resources. This study sought to examine the pattern of occurrence of cancer of cervix over theyears. Design/Methods: This study is a retrospective study involving the clinical records review ofidentified cases of cancer of the cervix managed within the hospital between year 2000 and 2006.Results: The study reviewed 84 confirmed cases of cervical cancer over six years at National Hospital Abuja, analyzing socio-demographic factors, stages of presentation and outcomes. The study reveals keypatterns and challenges that align with global literature, underscoring the unique public health implications in Nigeria.The mean age of the patients was 46 years, with the highest incidence observed among younger women aged 31-40 years (28.6%) and 41-50 years (27.4%). Conclusion: Cancer of the cervix has continued without any reduction. As against the occurrence among older age group from previous studies, younger age groups are becoming targets of this disease. The current trend does notindicate that victory over cervical cancer is imminent therefore, there is need for a mass awareness campaing of cervical cancer prevention. In addition, it is important institutions formulate policies tomake cervical smear a routine investigation for early detection.Keywords: Cancer registry; Cervical cancer; Cancer mortality; Human papiloma virus; Patients health records
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