Metaphysical Paradigms in African, Chinese and Western Philosophies

Innocent C. Ngangah


Although philosophy as a deliberate investigation of fundamental truths throughthe method of logical reasoning may be universal, there are significantconceptual and categorical differences that should be taken into account whenanalyzing or interpreting philosophical discourses emanating from vastlydifferent socio-cultural milieus. This paper presents some features ofmetaphysics in African, Chinese and Western philosophies with a view toleading the reader to identifying and appreciating some of the ways in whichmetaphysical paradigms differ from one philosophical tradition to another. Thestudy posits that a particular culture can have a philosophic concept or categorythat may not be applicable to other cultural contexts. Such differences, the paperargues, could be deployed to promote inter-cultural understanding; it should notbe used by one culture to denigrate the uniqueness and authenticity of anotherculture by labelling its entire philosophic contribution as ethnophilosophy.

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