Religion and Political Culture in Nigeria

Christian Osemuyi Oseghale


The political environment of Nigeria, including the manner of government, the creation of public policies, and the electoral process, have all been significantly influenced by religion. It cannot be overstated that religion has always played a significant role in Nigerian politics, particularly since the country won its independence. No matter how one feels about religion, it is a well-known fact that in Nigeria, politics and religion are closely related, despite the circularity of the Nigerian state in line with the constitution. This paper, therefore, examines the impact of religion on Nigerian politics, focusing on how it has influenced the political culture of the people positively and negatively since the advent of the fourth republic in 1999. This study suggests that people of all religions should get involved in politics, starting with local elections in our small towns and moving on to presidential campaigns and elections. To achieve national cohesion and development, politics in Nigeria needs to be practised, religious morals followed, and freedom of religion protected by the Nigerian constitution. The paper concludes that religion should shape our personality to reflect the characteristics of whoever our creator is and use those characteristics to improve our society's political space. Each of us should strive to become a member of the Nigerian dream team that will advance the nation and rethink the concep

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