Establishing the basic Art Making Tools and Materials

Chidi Uzoh & Valentine Ani


Art materials generally are the various media of expression which artists employ to express their ideas in creative processes. Some of these materials are paper, stone, linoleum, wood, marble, fabrics, canvas, dye, paints, inks, wax, cement, fibre, clay, etc. (Ngumah, Et Al (2013). Art tools can be described as any hand-operated machine or any operated device that is employed by artists to create artwork. There are numerous tools an artist can recon with, and they vary according to one’s specialised area. For instance, a painter is expected to use a mounted canvas as his support for visual expression, a sculptor uses a chisel and mallet to chip out parts of a stone or wood to form an image, a printmaker cuts out the negative spaces on linoleum or plywood, roll colours on the matrixes, and make multiple prints on paper or other surfaces, and so on. Various tools for the production of art shall be enunciated in various sub-categories.

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