Teachers’ Level of Awareness in Using Wordle to Teach in Senior Secondary Schools in Owerri Municipal

Winifred Nwachukwu, Ngozi Umelo, Agatha Ikemelu


The study investigates teachers’ level of awareness in using Wordle to teach in Senior SecondarySchools in Owerri. The study is guided by a research question and a hypothesis. Descriptiveresearch design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 200 Englishlanguage teachers in public schools in Owerri Municipal and since the population is not large,the entire population constituted the sample size. A well validated researcher developed scaletagged: Teachers Level of Awareness on Use of Wordle Rating Scale (TLAUWRS) was used fordata collection. Test and re-test approach was used to establish the reliability coefficient of 0.81.Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question while z-test statisticswas used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 significant levels. Findings showed that teachers’ level ofawareness on the use of Wordle in teaching of English studies was low. Recommendation amongothers include that seminars and workshops should be organized for English language teacherson the use of Wordlein secondary schools.

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