Trauma behind Closed Doors in While Men Slept

Adaobi Ihueze


Women have had traumatic experiences at the hands of domineering males, whose views andattitudes are shaped by society's patriarchal customs and beliefs. These cruel practices frequentlyleft the victim bruised and terrified. This study examines the notion of betrayal trauma theory byJennifer Freuyd in Gloria Ogo's While Men Slept in assessing the symptoms of this sort oftrauma in the text and their impact on the protagonist. It was observed from the analysis thatsocial ideals encourage activities that demean and traumatize women. It then concludes thatwomen should not be intimidated, but rather stay strong, and not droop under the weight of thepainful experience. There is also a need for women's education and mental freedom so that theycan break free from the patriarchal rule in certain areas due to the economic empowermenteducation provides. The study recommends that more female writers should get involved inrevealing events that leave indelible physical and mental scars on women.

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