Cecilia OMEIFE


Children, as we know, are very impressionable, so they deserve to be presented with what is virtuous and true during their formative years. The family and the larger society owe it a duty to influence young people positively while preparing them for their mission on earth. The truth taught to the child begins and is completed by introducing the child to God right from infancy. Parents must themselves be first of all those who uphold Christian values by their very lives so they can impact positively on the child who is now ready to be launched into the larger society. Growing up and interacting with his siblings, the young person is able to learn and acquire virtues such as: forgiveness, compassion, honesty, respect and piety and are able to uphold these as values. This learned behaviour is a positive contributory factor that can launch young person into ministry whatever state of life they choose or are called to. Society is both teacher and beneficiary of good formation of young minds and character, because it is these that in turn build and develops society. The peace and development a society enjoys is the fruit of society’s investment in its citizens’ moral, social and spiritual welfare particularly the training and welfare investment in its young population. Grooming young people for ministry is a worthwhile enterprise because family, church and society are the better for it to the glory of God.

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Rev. Sr. Cecilia Mary Ogochukwu OMEIFE, EHJ, is a member of the Institute of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. She has served in the medical, educational and pastoral apostolates of the Congregation. She is currently the Vicar General of the Congregation. Born in March 14, 1969, she made her Final Religious Profession on September 21, 1997. Sr. Cecilia is a Medical Practitioner. She finished from Jos University Teaching Hospital [JUTH], Plateau State, Nigeria, in 2007 and, since then, has practised as a General duty doctor. She has a Post-graduate diploma in Family Medicine from the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. She is also a trained Pastoral Counsellor, and has great passion for human, moral and spiritual development. She has been involved in Youth ministry at Parish level, and also with delivering motivational talks and spiritual reflections. Sr. Cecilia has published some books, including Awakening the Eagle and the Oak in You, and Grace and Gratitude. 2Catechism of the Catholic Church, revised edition, Paulines/St. Pauls 3Pope Pius XI, Encyclical on the Christian Education of Youth 4Pope John Paul II, The Family in the Modern World, Encyclical Letter (Familiaris Consortio); Paulines Publications Africa. 5Ibid., pg. 67 6Ibid., pg. 66 7Catechism of the Catholic Church, revised edition, Paulines/St. Pauls 8Ibid., #2233 9H. Norman Wright; Sisters and Brothers forever; Bond or Bondage 10Ibid., pg. 23 11Pope John II, Catechesis Today, Apostolic Exhortation (Catechesis Tradendae); Paulines Publications Africa 12Ibid., pg. 34 13Ibid., pg. 35 14Ibid., pg. 35 15Ibid., pg. 36 16Ibid., pg. 36 17Ibid., pg. 36 18Pope Francis, The Joy of Love, Apostolic Exhortation, (Amoris Laetitia); Paulines Publications Africa 19Ibid., # 290


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