Esther Onokayeigho,


Ageing is a complex process that has not yet been fully understood. It is however, described as a normal process of time-related changes, beginning from birth and continuing throughout life. The effect and signs of the changes usually manifest in older adults. Older adults'- encompass persons who are 65 years and older. The changes consequently have a direct impact on all the systems, organs and functions of the body. These changes make older adults more vulnerable to diseases. This paper addresses the normal age-related changes that occur in the gastrointestinal system and the benefit of nutritious diet for older adults. Considering the normal changes that occur in the gastrointestinal system, older adults need to maintain their health by taking nutritious diets and readjusting their lifestyles. Such precautions would enable older adults to enjoy good function of mind and body and live independently and with good quality of life.

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