Chinwe Patricia Iloka


The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in its Section 42(I) (2) specifically provided for the elimination of all forms of discriminations based on sex. Furthermore, most of international instruments especially Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women have wonderful provisions on protection of fundamental rights of the women folk. Irrespective of these laws, in the administration of justice most of the fundamental rights of the women are infringed upon. Most of our laws are detrimental and inimical to women’s development. Some of them will be the focus of this research work. Some of these The paper highlights all these obnoxious practices militating against the women’s rights. It also advocates that the women rights should be protected in the administration of justice and that adequate sanctions be meted out to offenders. This work in its findings advocates that there is urgent need for a legal frame work that will protect the rights of the female folk and that all the laws and statutory provisions which infringes on the rights of the women in the administration of justice should be expunged from our laws. The paper recommends that the Nigerian government should rectify all international instruments that have good and beneficial provisions on the welfare of the women folk. The research method to be included, primary, secondary and doctrinal sources of information.

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