Austin A. Mbachu, Johnson U. Ofoegbu, Kenechukwu K. Makwudo


The myriad problem of unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, frustration, lack of self-confidence Tand the dwindling of the vision of educational system is chocking it's all round development.The problem is the formal pedagogy, especially in developing countries which has failed tomeet up with the primary goals of education, namely the cultivation of individuals who are able toface the challenges that arise in the society. It is pertinent to note that most people have not had theopportunity to actualize their desire through self-effort and learning. The purpose of this paper is toprospects solution to these critical problems confronting the educational system of pedagogy interms of leaning, which is how to develop every child that will have self-confidence in facing thechallenges of the modern world and how to build progressive graduates that will brings about a truedemocratic society. The paper employs analytic method. In the light of these challenges, this papersets to employ John Dewey pragmatic approach to education in resolving some of the issuescontained therein and recommend that pragmatic approach to education posits that educationshould not be holistically centred on the mind alone, but on practice. Hence, the paper concludesand encourages both learning by doing and co-operation between the learners and the teachers. Thepedagogical system of education in term of learning, need to be changed by approaching educationas a systematic to be functional in learning by doing, this in turn will enhance qualitative educationfor future humanities and self-reliant in a digital age.

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