Philosophy of Language and Language of Philosophy: An Analysis of Igbo People's Language Apathy

Charles Azubuike Nneke


This paper concerns itself on the Igbo people's abandonment of their language to virtually no one to take care of it, to the extent that in recent time no person or group of persons made efforts to change the narrative. The study has special interest on the abuse of Igbo thought/belief,personal names, names of communities and towns. It is worrisome that Igbo people have not advanced their language beyond the level of colonial master's era. Hence, Igbo people are yet to take appropriate action toward amending and rewriting all the signature of abuse and corruption of Igbo Language by their colonial master. The philosophy of language anchors on its nature of sacred and pure in its act of communicating truth and meaning. On the other hands, the language of philosophy implies the act of subjecting both exactness in truth and meaning to critical analysis for the sake of clarity. One wonders what language could Igbo Philosophers philosophize with amidst this high level of language apathy towards their language? The objective of the study is to expose the Igbo's weakness in promoting and propagating her language with focus on changing the status quo. The area of study is on the Igbo world view on language and means of restoring it. The data for the research are sourced through observation and library. The literary theory adopted for analysis of the study is “Psychological Theory.†The finds revealed that no much effort has been made by Igbo intellectuals and general public to correct the colonial master's abuse of Igbo Language. Presently good numbers of Igbo people show no interest in their language. However, there is still hope of restoring the glory of Igbo Language if the suggestions offered in this study are adhered to. The study would be of great value to the general public, mostly to students and researches who are interested in the study of philosophy, language and the place of Igbo Language to the Igbo peoples.

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