Pejorative referencing of short stature in Igbo proverbs and folk songs

Edith Ngozi Onukawa


This study examines the issue of pejorative referencing of short stature in Igbo proverbs and folk songs. It basically analyses the condition of short stature as existing in the culture of the people through proverbs and other expressions in the language. The study brings to the limelight the fact that in Igbo culture, short stature is pejoratively referenced. The descriptive model is adopted in the analysis of data collected. Data were elicited through different sources such as texts on proverbs and other expressions, i n t e r v i e w o f s o m e e l d e r s a n d introspection as a native speaker of the language. The analysis features Igbo proverbs associated with short stature and other expressions in Igbo folk songs among others. The fact that in Igbo culture, short stature is pejoratively referenced is indisputable. Such referencing with Igbo proverbs are categorized under disadvantaged p e r s o n , a t te n t i o n - s e e k i n g , e a sy i d e n t i f i c a t i o n a n d f ew n u m b e r, incompetence, ominous signs etc. We recommend that more studies be carried out in this direction for enhancement of knowledge.

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