Sense Relation In Tiv

Stephen Shiaondo Ajim, Iorember Margret N., Peter Terfa Iorfa


This paper examines sense relation in the Tiv language spoken predominantly in Benue State. In any given language, words are used in expressing people's views. These words also relate to one another and the relationship between words is worth given attention. Sense relation is evident in many languages of the world with the Tiv language inclusive. However, there are few researches carried out on this very important aspect of meaning. None of the researches exhaustively deals with sense relation in Tiv due to its broad nature hence the need for the present study. Both the primary and secondary sources of data are used. Primary data were gotten from some selected native speakers through the researchers' interaction with the respondents. Questions aimed at sense relation in Tiv were asked and the researchers took notes of the sense relations available in Tiv with the appropriate examples. The researchers adopted a descriptive approach in the analysis of data. The following sense relations have been found to be prominent in the Tiv language: antonyms (gradable and non-gradable antonyms), synonymy (synonyms), hyponymy, homonymy (polysemy and homographs), reversives and conversives. The researchers do not claim that the above are the only sense relations evident in the Tiv language. The paper concludes that sense relation is a fascinating aspect of the semantic study of the Tiv language and that its knowledge is very vital for the effective use of Tiv language.

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