On The Diaspora Igbo Language Variety

Adaobi Ngozi Okoye, Justice Ekenedirichukwu Adioha


Igbo language is often used as a means of communication by the Igbos in the diaspora during the celebration of activities such as Igbo day, new yam festival and other landmark events. Furthermore spectacular feats achieved by the Igbos in the diaspora are most times celebrated using Igbo as the code of communication. This paper explores the Igbo language spoken by the Igbos in the diaspora during the celebration of such significant milestone in order to ascertain if there are apparent distinguishing features. Data for the study were derived from three isolated events organized by the Igbos residents in the United Kingdom and United States of America. These events are the Ohafia New Yam festival, 2019 held in London, Merit Award Ceremony in honor of Mrs. Anna Mbachu, Mayor of London and Dr. Shirley Echendu a twenty two (22) years old Igbo Doctorate Degree holder in the United Kingdom and the New York Igbo dinner. The recorded video clips of these events were viewed and following a detailed analysis of the clips, the study establishes cases of style and language choice by the speakers in addition to the preponderances of codeswitching. The study therefore recommends the creation of awareness to the Igbos in diaspora on the need to maintain the standard variety of the language in order to properly exhibit the rich cultural heritage which the Igbo language largely reveals.

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