Onyekachi Georgeline Oge-Chimezie


Fictional texts have gone far beyond the portrayal of authors’ concerns. They are viable sites for academic research. An aspect of these concerns worth being researched into focuses on increasing number of issues about the female members of society: the young and the old, the educated and the uneducated. Growing up in a society rooted in patriarchal norms, some female characters in Nawal El Saadawi’s God Dies by the Nile go through devastating experiences. Employing the psychoanalytic theory, this study examines the nature of the struggles of these female characters, their various forms of entrapment as portrayed in the selected text and what informs their behavior in relation to their social, cultural, political and economic contexts. The study finds out the devastating traumatic effects of these experiences on the minds of the female characters, the emergence of various personalities and the aftermath behavioural output. The female characters’ emotional and mental disconnections with themselves and with society as a result of their traumatic experiences are equally highlighted thereby creating awareness about the complex nature of life

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