Selection, Utilisation and Educational Values of Instructional Materials for Teaching and Learning Political Science in Nigerian Schools

Gbenga OLOTU & Oludare O. MOSUNMOLA


Teaching as a profession requires not just the mastery of the subjectbut also the professional competence in the use of methods andmaterials to affect learner’s behavior through appropriateidentification, selection and utilization of relevant instructionalmaterials to aid effective teaching and learning. As a result, acompetent teacher must be sensitive to their students’ concerns,encourage them to ask questions, familiarize them with appropriatetechniques, teach them how to analyze and discuss results, and,most importantly, inspire them to delve deeply into their subject.Teachers are frequently unsatisfied and irritated when they realizethat their students did not understand the topic or concept beingpresented in class, despite their thorough explanations. Furthermore,students may become exhausted if they are unable to comprehendthe topic despite the teacher’s best efforts. These issues are causedby a scarcity of authentic educational resources that can helpelucidate the subject.

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