C. J. Ubanyionwu


From time immemorial, several communities or countries have entered into relationship with each other whether friendly or hostile. From such relationships, rules of conduct have evolved and over the years became tradition. In due course these traditions became collectively described as a set of laws - the laws of nations otherwise called International Law. Just as William Fullbright puts it, “insofar as international law is observed, it provides us with stability and order and with a means of predicting the behavior of those with whom we have reciprocal legal obligations”. Intellectual Property laws are no exception to this development. In a bid to protect and enhance the intellectual property of citizens of member States, States have collectively come together to make treaties which is geared to ensuring that States in their respective accord to these treaties protect the intellectual property of their citizens municipally, and that other State parties also ensure the respect of those member State citizens in their respective jurisdictions. As a result of this dynamism, international legal frameworks have evolved in shaping the state of our laws as it relates to Intellectual Property laws in Nigeria. In this article, an appraisal look shall be made at the international legal framework for protection of intellectual property rights and its consequent influence in the protection of intellectual property in Nigeria. This study shall also evaluate these international legal frameworks to see if there are lacunae in them. This study adopts the doctrinal research approach, utilizing primary and secondary sources of data collection. In the final analysis, this article shall have critically looked at the various international legal framework on intellectual property in Nigeria and how same have influenced the national legal framework on intellectual property in Nigeria.

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