Precious Ngozi Azubuike


Plastic is ubiquitous and its use cannot be overemphasized. It is very useful in packaging, construction, medical and electronic industries. The reason for its prevalence is due to the fact that it possesses very unique characteristics, such as: it is light weight, cheap and durable. Plastic waste has significantly increased due to the increase in production and use and because these wastes are not properly managed, the environment is faced with the problem of pollution from plastics. Nigeria so much depends on plastic for so many things but these wastes are not properly managed after use, they are seen littered everywhere. This has however resulted in serious negative consequences on the environment. The research examined the existing laws regulating plastic waste management and the research addressed the legal challenges of plastic pollution management in Nigeria. The research adopted the doctrinal method of research. The research relied on two major sources of information; the primary and secondary sources of information. The research revealed that Nigeria does not have any national legal framework that addresses the entire lifecycle of plastic in order to tackle the menace of plastic pollution and that the existing laws are inadequate in addressing the plastic waste problem. The study finally concluded that an effective and formidable national legislation is required to tackle the menace of plastic pollution. The researcher therefore recommended the enactment of a legislation for the regulation of plastic pollution and its management in Nigeria as well as the protection of rights of citizens in the process of plastic pollution management in Nigeria.

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