Patricia Chinwe ILOKA


Female genital mutilation is another form of sexual politics. FGM is recognized internationally as a violation of the human rights of girl child. It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. Given these backdrops, this study became a prerequisite task to critically explore the malaises and legal prospects vis-à-vis the status of female genital mutilation in Nigeria. The objectives of this study were to appraise the legal status and effects of FGM as human rights violation that prevents girls from enjoying optimal health. It was also to examine the challenges faced by the girl child and to proffer the way-forward to curbing the menace of FGM in the Nigerian society. The research design and methodology was doctrinal approach, using analytical and descriptive research methodology. The main sources of data collection were various legal documents and materials, both from the library and internet, and covering the primary sources and the secondary sources. For the summary of findings, it was submitted among others that the term FGM is common all over the third world countries and has inflicted dangerous and devastating effects on young girls who are compelled to undergo this dehumanizing and painful cutting of their genitals. It was further observed that FGM is driven by superstitious belief and has many effects on girls' health which included increased risk of infections, cervical cancer, death during childbirth, and obstetric fistulas. Moving from the prevailing cankerworms, the study rested its prospect on the law as the leeway to the malaises. That is to say, the necessity for the enforcement of the fundamental rights provided under chapter 4 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, as amended cannot be overemphasized. Accordingly, it was therefore recommended among others that all perpetrators, violators, and supporters of FGM should be sanctioned by enacting relevant law to that effect, prosecution, and enforcement of fundamental rights. This study was tailored to have significant to civil societies, human right lawyers, judges, legislators, traditional aficionados, and every stakeholder in relation to FGM.

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